Arabic frequency list
The list of word forms was created from Latifa Al-Sulaiti's Contemporary Arabic Corpus
The list of word forms was created from Latifa Al-Sulaiti's Contemporary Arabic Corpus
' أجهزة الطرد المركزي العادية' - عدد مقدمي كلمة البحث الأساسية هنا 13. تشمل قائمة مقدمي الخدمة: ANDRITZ KMPT Comi Condor S.p.A. و Reineveld Europe B.V. وغيرها من الشركات من البلاد التالية: ألمانيا إيطاليا هولندا و سويسرا.
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The frequency distribution for attribute 'word' in corpus 'i-ar' For more information visit - corpus size: 165674718 tokens ...
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Palestinian reality is debated across the globe. However, often by international academics, journalists and politicians. The Danish House in Palestine has invited a number of Palestinians representing different outlooks and areas of expertise to share their perspectives.